The internet is where nuance goes to die. It's terrible and full of people giving you their stupid opinions on stupid things. Well, who am I go against the grain?

I'm very much an enthusiast and tend to want to share with others what I like, and so to this end I want to try and share my thoughts on a variety of films, obscure or otherwise, and hopefully introduce them to more people. (Except, of course, a lot of films are bad, but them's the breaks.)

Why should you pay attention to what I think? Honestly, you probably shouldn't. I do have a doctorate though,† so that might fool some people into thinking my opinions on things hold any sort of weight.

† Not in film.         …*cough*

Late News (circa February 2022)

Due to stuff currently going on in real life, the website is currently on a break. Be assured that posts are in the works however. The Twitter feed is still updating meanwhile, so be sure to check that out. Aside from its usual content, it will likely include mention of when articles are continuing again.

Highlight Reel

 An Unsuitable Job For A Woman
1981; Dir.: Chris Petit; 
UK: Boyd's Co.

1988; Dir.: Harley Cokeliss;

UK: Palace Pictures.

The Company of Wolves
1984; Dir.: Neil Jordan; 
UK: Palace Pictures.

1985; Dir.: Alan Clarke;

UK: Zenith Productions

Max, Mon Amour
1986; Dir.: Nagisa Oshima;
France: Greenwich Film Production.

2014; Dir.: Nate Cash;

USA: Cartoon Network Studios.

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