The internet is where nuance goes to die. It's terrible and full of people giving you their stupid opinions on stupid things. Well, who am I go against the grain?
I'm very much an enthusiast and tend to want to share with others what I like, and so to this end I want to try and share my thoughts on a variety of films, obscure or otherwise, and hopefully introduce them to more people. (Except, of course, a lot of films are bad, but them's the breaks.)
Why should you pay attention to what I think? Honestly, you probably shouldn't. I do have a doctorate though,† so that might fool some people into thinking my opinions on things hold any sort of weight.
† Not in film. …*cough*
1988; Dir.: Harley Cokeliss;
UK: Palace Pictures.
1985; Dir.: Alan Clarke;
UK: Zenith Productions
2014; Dir.: Nate Cash;
USA: Cartoon Network Studios.
Logo designed by Pauli M. Kohberger.